In line with its commitment to promote safety culture, Aboitiz Construction achieved 8.3 million safe man-hours for a mining project in Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation (THPAL) in Claver, Surigao del Norte from September 2012 to February 2022 and 3.2 million safe man-hours for the ongoing Tecnimont and JGC Philippines Joint Ventures (TJJV) project in Brgy. Pinamucan Ibaba, Batangas City from January 2019 to February 2022. Both records are without lost-time injuries.
“These achievements prove that we are committed towards safety and we value teamwork in delivering quality output for our customers. We are doing our best to adhere to the safety standards set by the company, Department of Labor and Employment, and the client,” said Alex Garciano, Vice President for Construction Operations of Aboitiz Construction.
In order to promote safety in the workplace, both sites have been conducting a series of precautionary and preventive drills, hazard and risk mapping, safety awareness training, site inspections and audits, checking of personal protective equipment and tool box meetings to discuss safety matters.
Moreover, it is being ensured that team members on all project sites are strictly following health and safety protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 such as checking of body temperatures before entering the sites, social distancing in shuttles, and disinfecting the offices and vehicles. The imposition of these protocols are a testament to the commitment of Aboitiz Construction to uphold safety culture and execution excellence in the workplace.
“These safety milestones prove that we are upholding the values of teamwork and execution excellence. Our teamwork has enabled us to work, plan, and execute things together. With execution excellence, we always go beyond the extra mile in order to gain the trust of our clients,” said Anton M. Perdices, Director, President, and Chairman of Aboitiz Construction.
Since 2012, Aboitiz Construction has been a major contractor of THPAL in handling maintenance works for the mining plant that include mechanical, fabrication, scaffolding, and rigging works. Currently, the project has more than 280 manpower and has been hiring additional 300 workers twice a year to assist in shutdown works.
With more than 800 manpower, Aboitiz Construction is the subcontractor for the construction of the JG Summit Philippines, Inc. Stage 1 and expansion project of a petrochemical plant. The project started last January 2019 and is expected to be completed in the second quarter this year.
“We commend Aboitiz Construction for the achievement of millions of safe man hours. Indeed, a better future awaits for our nation as it proves to be one of the pillars in the construction industry in terms of Occupational Safety and Health Management,” said Jay Kabamalan, Health, Safety, and Environment Manager of JG Summit Philippines, Inc.